Animation of Internet's Growth (worth the download - only 35K) Russ Haynal's ISP Page
This page is used during my Internet Course:
"What Every ISP Employee Should Know about the Internet"
This page is also useful to anyone interested in the major ISP's, 
and how they inter-connect. If some of these links don't make sense, 
it's because you are not an "alumni" of my courses ;-)

Internet Backbones
ISP backbones with connections into at least 3 NAP's/MAE's 
(As defined by Sean Donelan's Exchange Point Connectivity Cross-Matrix
Also Includes US Federal backbones connecting to the FIX's
Home Page Backbone Misc
@Home Network Architecture .
Above Net Map Real-time Stats (nice &detailed)
(Graphs made with MRTG
ACSI . .
AGIS (Net99) Map .
Alternet (UUNET) Map, Status .
ANS map (from Boardwatch). .
AT&T Map .
Cable Internet Map .
CerfNet Map .
CompuServe . .
Conxion . .
CRL Map .
CWIX (Cable & Wireless
(Cable & Wireless)
Map (plus status and latency) .
( Defense Research 
Eng. Network)
DREN Map, AAI Map) .
Digex Map .
DRAnet . .
Data Exchange . .
Epoch Networks Map (Need Adobe Acrobat) .
EUnet Map, .
Exodus map, Status Exodus Traffic Plots via each NAP
(Energy Sciences Network)
Map, and other map links .
Fiber Network Solutions Map .
Genuity map Description of Data Centers
GeoNet Map .
GetNet . .
Global One (GSL) . .
GoodNet Map, .
Gridnet Map .
IBM Map .
IconNet Map .
IDT Map .
InterNex . .
Nacamar Map of German connections .
Nap.Net . .
NASA Internet US Map, Intl. Map .
Net Access Map .
Netcom . .
NetRail . .
Prime Net . .
PSI Map .
Sprintlink Map, customer handbook .
The Planet Map .
VBNS Map, Logical Map performance Monitoring,
Verio (WNA) Map .
Additional Information about ISP's 
  • My article on How to Select an ISP
  • A most extensive list of ISP's (5,000+) is The List 
  • Boardwatch's Interactive US MAP of ISP's (click on the state, then area code)
  • A Must Visit: Mapnet A way to simultaneously view multiple ISP maps on one map

  • (It takes time to download - but you must see it - go there now...)

List of Major Exchange Points (NAP's, MAE's,etc)
Home Page Who's 
Statistics Other
MAE East (N VA) List  statistics .
Sprint NAP (NJ) . Statistics (Nice) .
Chicago NAP (AADS) List Statistics Design Diagram
Pacific Bell NAP list Statistics Architecture, Configuration
CIX Router . . .
( Palo Alto
Internet Exchange)
List . .
MAE West List Statistics .
MAE Chicago List . .
MAE Houston List . .
(London Exchange) 
List . Peering Details
(Would love this for All NAP's) 
Additional Information about Connection Points: 

Internet Architecture Information

  • Internet Architecture - Meta Diagram; Shows all the major pieces of the Internet as well as the major players in each segment.
  • The latest Internet Growth Statistics as shown during my courses (domains, hosts, map of planet)
  • My Own Description of the Internet's Physical Layer.
  • For a nice overview of the Internet's Architecture, read this column from Boardwatch
  • The Cook Report - A monthly newsletter about Internet Infrastructure
  • The Routing Arbiter
  • End-end Internet performance assessments
  • Internet Weather Report
  • ICPC - Submarine cables of the world.
  • .
  • Helpful Internet/ISP Resources
  • The inet-access mailing list- discussions among ISP's - Includes Searchable Index <-- Use This Resource!!
  • A great searchable archive of inet-access is located at this link for
  • Initiate tracerouts from your computer using Neotrace (it does the traceroute and then does a whois of each node's name)
  • Perform traceroutes from various sites via the Club Traceroute web page or Boardwatch Traceroute page
  • Hostname to Latitude/Longitude Converter (even plots the location on a map)
  • A feature-rich Whois is also available at Try their Industry Search option and their US map of domain names locations
  • For ISP's handing out CD-ROM's, think about including this Internet Tutorial (yes, I'm the Author)
  • .
  • Domain Name Registration
  • Domain Name Registration (RFC 1591 - Domain Name System Structure and Delegation)
  • Map of Root Domain Server locations.
  • An extensive table of Domain name registries around the world (perfect for clients who want to register in other country domains (ISO 3166 - 2 letter Country Codes)
  • Internic (.COM, .EDU, .NET, and .ORG)
  • RPE NCC Registrations in Europe
  • APNIC Registrations in Asia-Pacific Rim
  • The .US whois
  • USC-ISI (.US) and State subdomains
  • Internet International Ad Hoc Committee (IAHC - proposed changes to the domain name system)
  • Internet-Related Organizations
  • Internet Society or visit the DC Chapter of ISOC
  • IETF
  • Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
  • Internic
  • RFC's (Documents the Internet's Standards)
  • .
  • Federal Networking Council (FNC)
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • National Laboratory for Applied Network Research (NLANR)
  • Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) - a collaborative undertaking to promote greater cooperation in the engineering and maintenance of a robust, scalable global Internet infrastructure.
  • National Coordination Office for Computing, Information, and Communications (HPCC)
  • .
  • Commercial Internet Exchange (CIX) plus an excellent description of IP Address Allocations
  • NANOG - North American Network Operator's Group
  • Internet Service Provider's Consortium (ISP/C)
  • Association of Online Professionals (AOP)
  • United States Internet Providers Association (USIPA)
  • .
  • Other ISP "Meta Sites"
  • David's Amazing Internet Resources: Internet Provider Resources (Start-up ISP's Must Read the FAQ)
  • Randy Benn's ISP Links
  • The Geography of Cyberspace (links to many graphical visualizations of the 'net.)
  • Telecom Information Resources on the Internet
  • More sites will be added very soon...
  • .



    [Russ Banner (9kb)]
    Note for my Alumni: Your referrals are always appreciated



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